Soundwise, Vermin Womb isn't very different from Primitive Man, we have the same chaotic sludgy grind metal covered with layers and layers of filth. It's almost as if Vermin Womb was that little brother from Primitive Man. While Primitive man is big, dirty and mean beast that before destroying anything, likes to torture it first. Vermin Womb is that sick, demented and impatient little brother that blasts us into thousand pieces with just one blow. This is that type of sound that, for those who grew up listening to the whole Debello Recordings bands (remember that??) will definitely love.
The whole album has over 17 minutes length with just a total of 6 tracks. It grabs you by the neck and gives us no rest. When I thought that nothing could ever sound as hateful as Primitive Man, boom! I get this. Pure fucking evil. All of you interested in getting the handsome milky clear vinyl, you can buy it here. In the meantime, feel the apocalypse right here.
A download link of the album is also available, courtesy of the unstoppable Throatruiner Records. Support these guys.