† And then the Curse swept the Earth

terça-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2014

Osraige "Osraige" Demo

Osraige, an underground raw black metal band from whom I know nothing about. There's not much information floating around on the web about this vile act. I've stumbled upon its name some while ago when I was searching for the Osraige/Indentured Cervix split. It seems also to be attached to a label called Strange Tales from what I don't know nothing about as well. So fuck it. Osraige plays this awesome raw, primitive and murky black metal that I'm pretty sure it will please all the fans of this genre. Featuring three tracks only, that flow from the most rabid and frenetic raw black metal to a more slow, mid-paced almost doomy black metal tempos. Really dig this Demo. The sound is great, it's audible and not that kind of raw black metal that seemed to be played in a cellar and recorded with a Toys R'Us tape recorder, and the tracks are really good as well. Check it out. 

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