† And then the Curse swept the Earth

sexta-feira, 2 de março de 2012

Doombringer "Sevenfold Pestilence" EP

About time for some Death Metal right? After two promising demo tapes, polish Death Metal maniacs Doombringer, return with new EP "Sevenfold Pestilence". In this one they deliver a more mature, but yet crushing, style of Death Metal compared to the demos, with a slight greek touch. Doombringer, which is a side project of Bestial Raids/Cultes des Ghoules members, bring unholy Death Metal Inferno at its best. You can buy it here or somewhere else.. just google it.

1 comentário:

  1. you are spot on with this, i have been wanting to hear this band for years, avid bestial raids and Cultes des Ghoules fan
