† And then the Curse swept the Earth

terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2011

Bastard Of The Skies

Bastard Of The Skies first full length "Ichor! Ichor!" was another of those underrated albums of last year. Recorded and produced by the band themselves in their own studio and mastered by the prolific James Plotkin, the sound of "Ichor! Ichor!" is weighty and forceful, the glutinous crunch of the guitars and the pulsing bass pushed to the forefront, with occasional guitar flourishes that rise above the dense, deadly morass and pull the listeners ear in further, moments that either ring out sweetly or jar dischordantly. The vocals are a buried roar or occasional whisper, lurking beneath the scabrous surface and adding further bite to the scalding stew of sound, along with the propulsive clatter of the drums, but its the weighty heft of the guitars that drive Bastards Of The Skies’ mighty war-engine. This album is no disappointment at all. In fact i dare to say that it's a betentacled colossus of a monster. The kind that emerges from the depths of the ocean bedecked in seaweed, eats an entire air force, nibbles on the navy and then pisses off back to the depths with a belch of fire as fast as it came still crunching some human nuggets. A great record worthily to be checked out. 

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